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2024 Teen Literary Magazine Competition

Entries for our next literary magazine will be accepted during October of 2024. We’re seeking original writing and art that reflect and celebrate the diversity of the Allen County community.


General Guidelines

  • Open to creatives in grades 7 through 12 who live in Allen County, Indiana. 

  • Entries accepted: October 1 through October 31, 2024 

  • Entries must be your own work

  • Entries should not be previously published

  • Poems, short fiction, comics, creative nonfiction, photography, digital art, and illustrations will be accepted.


Entry Guidelines

  • Poem – limit one page, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

  • Short Fiction – limit 2,000 words, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins

  • Creative Nonfiction – limit 2,000 words, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins

  • Sequential Story (Comics) – limit 5 pages

  • Photograph – 300 dpi, maximum size 10 MB

  • Digital Art or Scanned Art – 300 dpi, maximum size 10 MB

  • Entries must be Microsoft Word compatible docs or JPGs

  • Up to 3 entries per person


How to Enter

Please submit your entries by using the entry form on this page or by email to Please submit each entry separately.

If emailing, please follow the instructions below.

Use the subject line “2024 Teen Literary Magazine, [Your Last Name]”

In the body of the email, please include your contact information and a short biographical statement.

  • Name*
    *Please let us know if you’d like your submission published anonymously.

  • Phone Number

  • Email address

  • Mailing Address

  • Age

  • Grade

  • School

  • Title of your work

  • Short biography (125 words, written in 3rd person)

Attach the entry to your email and send to

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