Learn With Lincoln
Educators, your dedication and tireless work to shape young minds inspires us. We know your time is precious, that’s why the team at the Rolland Center for Lincoln Research is committed to lightening your load while enriching your students’ learning experiences.
We invite you to explore our resources and discover how the Rolland Center can be a valuable educational partner. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions to learn more about our resources or suggestions on how we can support your classroom.

Meet Sarah
Educational Outreach Coordinator Sarah Schoolman, a seasoned public school educator and curriculum developer, provides comprehensive e-learning lessons, engaging activities, and versatile, low-prep materials that use historical content to teach reading standards.
She identifies and meets teacher needs–offering classroom presentations, hosting field trips, and providing personalized support. Sarah's dedication to empowering teachers and bringing history to life demonstrates her belief in the power of history to inspire and engage students.
Explore Our Classroom Resources
Connect with the Rolland Center

We’ve developed a range of resources designed to make your life easier and your students more engaged. From interactive field trips to impactful classroom experiences, we’re creating materials that seamlessly integrate history into your English Language Arts curriculum. Our current projects include comprehensive ELA lessons, ready-to-use e-learning modules for unexpected school closures, and enrichment activities that develop critical thinking skills.

Plan a Field Trip
Bring students to a free immersive experience

Schedule a classroom visit from our Educational Coordinator
Our experts will come to you - in person or virtually - for free!

Access On-Demand Classroom Tools
Lesson plans, videos & more...
Designed to make your Lincoln lesson engaging and educational with less work for you!