Our Services | Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
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Our Services

Ask a Genealogy Librarian

Uncertain whether we have a record you’re seeking? Need a quick pointer on what to do next in your research? Ask a Genealogy Librarian and get a quick response. Answers to your questions about our catalogs, collections, databases, programs and other services are just an email away. Contact us at Genealogy@ACPL.Info for additional information about The Genealogy Center or a quick pointer to help you advance your research. We’ll make every effort to respond to your general queries within 48 hours.

Genealogy Center Tours

Individuals and small groups planning a research visit will benefit from watching The Genealogy Center Orientation Videos before their journey to Fort Wayne. These videos will acquaint viewers with our facility and resources, and offer tips for making any visit more enjoyable and successful. Larger groups can make advance arrangements for a physical tour of The Genealogy Center. Tours can be tailored to group research interests and time constraints, and may vary from 20 minutes to one hour in length. Click here to schedule a tour.


Consultations are available for anyone doing family history, whether you are just starting your journey or have been researching your family for years. 

The Genealogy Center offers 30-minute personal research consultations with a staff member on some aspect of your research. We offer personal guidance and recommendations, assist in helping you gain a greater understanding on a specific aspect of your research, and advise on strategies to overcome a brick wall in your research.

Call 260-421-1225 or email Genealogy@ACPL.Info for an appointment. In requesting a consultation, please provide basic information concerning the nature of your quandary. A staff member will be assigned and a time established for your consultation. Whether virtually or in-person, be sure to bring your research notes to your consultation.


The Genealogy Center
Allen County Public Library
P. O. Box 2270
Fort Wayne, IN 46801

Opening Hours








9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Noon - 5 p.m.

Contact Us

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