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Borrowing Materials

  • You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card.

  • Books, CDs, audio books and most other materials are loaned for 21 days.

  • Blu-rays, DVDs, Magazines, and Board Games are loaned for 7 days.

  • Interlibrary loan material circulates for a period specified by the owning library.

  • Reference and genealogy materials, newspapers, and some magazines may be used in the library only.

  • Downloadable material has many checkout periods. Check per type borrowed.

Borrowing Limits

  • New patrons may borrow up to 6 items at one time until proof of residency is provided.

  • Teen patrons may not borrow R rated movies or 3 day equipment.

  • Juvenile patrons may not borrow R rated movies, 3, & 7 day equipment.

  • eCard patrons may not borrow physical items.

  • Patrons may borrow up to

    • 25 music CDs

    • 6 21-day video games

    • 20 holdable 7-day videos

    • 10 Overdrive digital items

    • 10 Board Games


  • Use My Account at

  • Call (260) 421-1240.

  • Do it yourself at the self-check stations (Must have your library card and material.)

  • Ask for staff assistance at the Checkout desk. (Must present your library card.)

  • Most material can be renewed 5 times. (Unless there is a hold.)

  • Interlibrary loans and some downloadable material may not be renewed.


  • Materials may be returned to any Allen County Public Library.

  • Certain downloadable material is automatically removed from your account on the due date.

  • eBooks can be checked in before the due date.

  • Book drops are available during closed hours.


  • You may place up to 10 holds on physical items.

  • You may place a hold with staff assistance, at or using the ACPL mobile app.

  • You will be notified when a hold is available if you select email or phone notification and provide your current email address or telephone number.

  • Holds will be held for 7 days and then pulled if not picked up.

  • You may place 5 holds on Hoopla downloadable items and 10 on Libby items.

Fines & Fees

  • Patrons are not charged overdue fines but are subject to replacement cost charges if material is lost (more than 30 days overdue) or returned damaged or incomplete.

  • If lost items are returned the replacement cost is waived.

  • Patrons owing $15.00 or more are blocked from borrowing, renewing or placing holds.

  • Adult accounts owing $50.00 or more are referred to a material recovery company. A $10.00 referral fee is billed at that time.

  • Fees may be paid by cash, check or charge (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) at any library, at, using the ACPL app and by calling (260) 421-1240.

  • Overdue notices are sent to patrons who select email or phone notification and provide your current email address or telephone number.

Material Requests

Non-residents may apply using one of the following options:

Own property in Allen County, but live outside of Allen County: Applicants who own property in Allen County but do not live in the county must show a property tax receipt to apply for a free Allen County Public Library card.  They must do so annually.

Public Library Access Card (PLAC Card): Non-residents of Allen County who present a resident library card from any Indiana public library or have purchased a subscription card from any Indiana public library may purchase a Public Library Access Card to borrow items from our collection.  This card is valid for one year.

  • PLAC Cost for 2024: $65.00

  • Most circulating materials may be borrowed.

  • PLAC patrons may not borrow eResources (Libby App and Kanopy) remotely or access downloadable material where our licensing agreement allows.

  • ACPL will not provide Interlibrary Loan service for PLAC patrons.

  • PLAC patrons are not eligible for free parking at the main library.

Subscription Card: Indiana residents and non-Indiana residents may purchase a subscription card with proof of identification and residence. This card is valid for one year.

  • Subscription Card Cost for 2024:  $90.00

  • Most circulating materials may be borrowed.

  • Subscription patrons may not borrow eResources (Libby App, Kanopy, and Udemy) remotely or access downloadable material where our licensing agreement allows.

  • Free parking is included.

Out of County Student: Students (K-Graduate) that live outside of Allen County but attend a school located within Allen County can get an ACPL card for free with proof of enrollment. This card is valid for one year.

  • Most circulating materials may be borrowed.

  • Subscription patrons may not borrow eResources (Libby App, Kanopy, and Udemy) remotely or access downloadable material where our licensing agreement allows.

  • Free parking is included.

Out of County Teacher: Teachers (K-12) that live outside of Allen County but teach at a school located within Allen County can get an ACPL card for free with proof of employment. This card is valid for one year.

  • Most circulating materials may be borrowed.

  • Subscription patrons may not borrow eResources (Libby App, Kanopy, and Udemy) remotely or access downloadable material where our licensing agreement allows.

  • Free parking is included.

Restrictions on borrowing materials

  • eCard patrons may not borrow physical materials.

  • Patrons under the age of 18 may not borrow 3-day equipment, R-rated movies, or use Kanopy.

  • PLAC patrons may not borrow eResources remotely or access downloadable material (Libby App, Kanopy, and Udemy).

  • ACPL will not provide Interlibrary Loan service for PLAC patrons.

  • Subscription patrons may not borrow eResources (Libby App, Kanopy, and Udemy) remotely or access downloadable material where our licensing agreement allows.

For more information about your rights and policies, visit ACPL Policies.

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