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Artist Submission Form

Please read our Exhibit Guidelines

Exhibits are presented by the Allen County Public Library.

The Gallery Coordinator is responsible for selecting material and scheduling exhibit dates for the Jeffrey R. Krull Gallery.

Artwork must be original; while being of a nature, format and quality appropriate for display.


  • 1. Artwork must comply with the library’s collection development standards

  • 2. Artwork must be of suitable size for the main library gallery and must not interfere with use of library facilities

  • 3. Artwork may be relevant to library programs, community observances or cultural events

  • 4. Artwork must not contain images of violence, sexual conduct, degradation of race, creed or religion

Exhibits are to be installed by the Gallery Coordinator with the assistance of the exhibitors. The Gallery Coordinator shall always retain final say in all aspects of arrangement and display.

All items in an exhibit must be delivered to the gallery on the date and time specified in the contract. Any exceptions must be approved in advance.

Shipping or delivery cost is the responsibility of the artist.

All items in an exhibit must have a label. Information for labels must be delivered to the Gallery Coordinator by the date specified in the contract. Labels must meet the requirements and standards set by the Allen County Public Library and will be prepared by the Gallery Coordinator.

All items must remain on exhibit from the installation date until the library closes on the closing date specified in the contract. Items cannot be removed from the exhibit before the take down date (even if the work has been sold).

In group exhibits, the representative or group exhibitor who signs the contract is responsible for ensuring that each member of the group who has works included in the exhibit has read a copy of the contract and agrees to the terms of the contract.

Information including artist’s name and images of artworks submitted to the library may be used for publicity for this exhibit, unless otherwise requested. The library’s Communications department will oversee advertising, catalog publications, opening receptions, announcements and mailings. 

The Allen County Public Library will not be involved in the sale of artwork.

Insurance is the responsibility of the library while materials are on display. Artists may wish to acquire additional insurance for their work.

Proposal and Procedures

Planning for the exhibits is done months in advance and exhibitors are encouraged to contact the Gallery Coordinator at least 1 year prior to the desired month of the exhibit. To schedule an appointment with the Gallery Coordinator, artists must fill out the artist submission form.

If suitable exhibit space is available, a meeting will be scheduled for the exhibitor to bring slides or digital images for review. Based on the sample works, the Gallery Coordinator considers the merit of the proposed exhibit. An exhibitor’s affiliation with artist groups, prior exhibits, education and/or professional references and results of competitive contests may also be considered.

Once an exhibit has been agreed upon a date is selected and reserved for the show. The exhibitor is asked to sign an exhibit contract. All exhibitors must sign an exhibitor’s contract. The exhibitor is expected to provide the library with an artist’s statement, titles of artworks and any other information needed for publicity. Publicity is coordinated through the library’s Communications department. The standard means of publicity is limited to the library’s in-house promotions and press releases to area media. The timeline for these submissions will be detailed in the exhibit contract. The exhibit will be taken down by exhibitor and Gallery Coordinator. Arrangements for the installation and take-down are agreed upon at the time the contract is signed.

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